Julia E. Wilber D.C.
I am a chiropractor who focuses on helping my patients overcome the spine pain that dominates their lives.  I achieve this by spending time with my patients to proprerly diagnose their conditions, closely monitoring their response to care to ensure positive outcomes and by educating them on what they can do on their own to ensure that the pain doesn't return. So many patients are hindered with pain and it's my mission to help play a role in improving their quality of life.

About Me:

 Dr. Julia Wilber is an honors graduate of the University of Western States Chiropractic College.
2018 and 2019 Top Doctor Award
National Board Certified and is trained in Diversified Chiropractic Techniques.
National Registered Medical Examiner # 9606788244
Dr. Wilber was a medical labratory technologist for many years prior to entering UWS.  In her free time she enjoys hiking the Columbia River Gorge, biking, and painting.  Dancing is her favorite past-time waltz, salsa, and zydeco to name a few.